Saturday, December 6, 2008

How to Lose Weight by Taming Your Negative Thoughts by BECKY GILLASPY


Weight loss doesn’t just happen; you must find the right combination of healthy eating and exercise and also create the right mindset for weight loss success. It is this mindset piece that often turns negative and sabotages your plan.
Learn how to tame your negative thoughts so you can stick with your diet and exercise long enough to produce results with these helpful tips.
1. Realize That Everyone Has Negative Thoughts It is important for you to understand that no one is immune to negative thoughts. Even Olympic athletes have them. So don’t worry if negative thoughts pop into your head as you move toward your weight loss goal. The problem only arises if you allow the negative thought to sit in your head and gain strength. Therefore, when you hear a negative thought, cancel it and divert your attention in a more positive direction.
2. Visualize Yourself Taking Better Actions People are prone to following patterns of behavior so if you want different results you need to break out of those patterns. Start now to see yourself handling food differently. See yourself sitting down in front of your favorite treat and imagine yourself feeling calm, at peace and in control. This new perspective can help you act in a new way.
3. Come Up With an Equally True Thought Keep in mind that there are always two sides to every situation. If you are tempted to have dessert realize that you don’t actually have to eat it. Come up with an equally true thought about the dessert that will help you take a better action. You might want to say to yourself, “even though I want the dessert, I want the weight loss even more.”
Your diet does not have to fall victim to your negative thoughts. With the right mindset and focus you can let go of your negative thoughts and move toward your ideal weight.
If you could make weight loss easier by just changing the way you think, would you want to learn how?