Know Your Diabetes Glucose Monitoring Kit by ROBERTO SEDYCIAS
As we all know, Diabetes is one of the most common disease prevalent over the world these days. The condition in which the body accumulates excess of sugar is termed as diabetes.
There can be two reasons for this, either a problem with secretion and functioning of the Anti Diuretic hormone or the problem with secretion of insulin. The former is called, Diabetes insepidus, Diabetes Mellitus being the latter one. The latter is rather more prevalent and is the matter of concern for almost every second house in the society these days.
There is no miracle drug to totally cure diabetes at once, but what we can do is just keep it under control by imposing a regular check on it by using medicines etc. For this we need monitoring the progress of the disease from time to time. In the busy schedule of the 21st century it is virtually impossible to go to the doctor every time there is a need for testing the blood sugar level. The solutions to these are Glucose monitoring kits.
November is celebrated as the National diabetes awareness month, and what is better than buying a new technologically improved glucose monitoring kit this month, with lots of companies selling them at discounted price.
The most common and used item all over the world is the Accu chek. There are various variants like, Accu chek AVIVA, Accu chek Compact Plus, Free style flash, free style lite, Ascensia Breeze 2, Ascentia contour. Free style freedom meter kit is considered to be using the least amount of blood (3 - 10ml).
Moreover the kit includes, 10 test strips, lancing device from Free Style, 10 Lancets, Free style control solution, etc. Accu check Advantage Diabetes monitoring kit contains the blood glucose meter, Adjustable Accu-Chek Softclix Lancet Device (10 lancets), etc. Accu check active diabetes monitoring kits also has a similar composition.
The new Accu chek Compact plus diabetes monitoring kit requires no strip handling and auto calibration is done. There are various combo offers available too, when brought in combination a discount can be availed.
One Touch Ultra 2 Blood Glucose Monitoring System:
It requires just a drop of blood and requires only about 5 seconds to get the result. The back light and the scroll button makes it easier to handle. It can store last 500 records with time and date of checking. Hence, the patient can have a look at the rate of improvement. It has got a simple and unique design and comes in various combo offers. The one touch ultra 2 strips are available separately.
One Touch Ultra Mini Blood Glucose Monitoring System is simple and sleek in design. Only one touch Ultra test strips can be used with it and the result comes within 5 seconds. The whole kit comes with an educational booklet along with category of food which, if taken keeps the blood sugar level low.
Home Diagnostics Sidekick Blood Glucose Testing System, is another one in the similar category. It requires 1 UL of blood sample and less than 10 seconds to give the answer. The blood is generally taken from the forefinger.
However, while using these Diabetes testing kits, you must keep in mind certain simple things:
* Proper instruction should be followed while taking the test at home.
* Each strip should be used only once and after that it should be discarded at a safe place.
* When abnormally low or high results come, then you must repeat the test to confirm.
* Proper medication should be taken only after consultation with the doctor.
You can have access to portuguese articles about diabetes monitoring kits from page Health_And_Beauty